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0845 Telephone Numbers
0845 Telephone Numbers
Call Whisper

Call Whisper service will revolutionise your call handling by informing you that the caller is calling your 0845 number and all this before you even answer the call. Once you know the incoming call is from your non geo number you can choose to answer it or let it go to Voicemail if you have Voicemail service enabled. Call Whisper is available as add-on to our other services.

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Service Description - Call Whisper - Call Screening

If the Call Whisper service is enabled our system will play our standard or your pre-recorded message to you as the recipient of the incoming call. This feature will allow you to distinguish between incoming private and business calls for example or between different 0845 numbers if you have more than one. Every number you have with us can have a separate or the same Whisper message. The caller will just hear the phone ringing and will be completely unaware that the whisper message is being played to you.

You can take advantage of our default Call Whisper message which simply reads out your 0845 number to you or you can create your own custom recorded Whisper message. Recording a custom Whisper is very easy using your computer or any other equipment capable of recording WAV or MP3 format sound file.

How it Works - Call Whisper

Call Whisper service includes the ability to:

  1. Use our default Call Whisper message. If your number is for example "0845 519 9999", when you answer the call our system will say "Incoming Call for: 08 Number." before the call is actually connected to you.
  2. Record your own personal Call Whisper message. This is useful if you prefer to have your own Whisper message. You could for example upload your own recording to say "Call for My Business Ltd"
  3. Auto-Connect the incoming call or Accept/Reject the incoming call. By default Call Whisper will automatically connect the call to you after the Whisper message is played. However you have the ability to setup Call Whisper service to require you to press a key on your phone keypad before the call is connected to you. This kind of setup lets you choose whether to answer to call or just let it ring or just let it go to voicemail if you have voicemail enabled.
  4. Enable or Disable Whisper service.
For your convenience you can view and print these instructions from our on-line control panel at any time.

How to order Call Whisper:

To order the Call Whisper for your Non-Geographic Number:

  1. Go to "My Account" section of the website
  2. Click on the "Call Whisper" link from the left menu under the title "CALL FEATURES"
  3. Choose the number or numbers for which you wish to order the Call Whisper service
  4. Follow the on screen instructions

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