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0845 Telephone Numbers
0845 Telephone Numbers
Dial-In Plan Switcher ™

This service is useful if you do not always have internet access but you still need to frequently switch between pre-defined UK land line call plans. Dial-In Plan Switcher service will enable you to divert your non-geo number to another UK land line number at any time, anywhere, immediately, without contacting us.

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Service Description - Dial-In Plan Switcher

The Dial-In Plan Switcher service enables you to divert your NGN number to another UK land line number at any time, anywhere, immediately, without contacting us. The standard service set up will allow you to nominate up to 10 UK Land Line numbers for the Dial-In Plan Switcher services. Extra call plans can be added through the add on option.

After your order has been processed and the service activated, you will receive:

  1. A dedicated 0845 number through which you will access your Dial-In Plan Switcher platform
  2. Your company identifier number and PIN
  3. Detailed instructions on how to access and manage your Dial-In Plan Switcher Plans

For your convenience you can view, print and email these instructions from our on-line control panel at any time.

How it Works - Dial-In Plan Switcher

You may wish to switch between different, predefined, UK land line numbers at your convenience and have the change applied immediately.

For example:

  • Call Plan 0: 0207 XXX XXX (London office)
  • Call Plan 1: 0161 XXX XXX (Manchester office)
  • Call Plan 2: 0141 XXX XXX (Glasgow office)

By default, when your Dial-In Plan Switcher service is first activated calls received by your 0800, 0845, 01/02, 03, 0871/0844 number will be diverted to (pointed at) the UK Land Line number under Call Plan 0 (in this example the London office). Should you wish to receive calls in another office, let's say Manchester, you would call a dedicated 0870 number, key in your account number and pin and then choose another call plan (in this example call plan 1). After a few seconds, when someone next calls your 0800, 0845, 01/02, 03, 0871/0844 number, calls will be received by your Manchester Office.

Dial-In Plan Switcher - Add-on services

For more advanced Dial-In Plan Switcher setup options, please see Dial-In Plan Switcher add-ons:

How to order Dial-In Plan Switcher service:

To order the Dial-In Plan Switcher service for your Non-Geographic Number:

  1. Go to "My Account" section of the website
  2. Click on the "Dial-In Plan Switcher" link from the left menu under the title "ADVANCED ROUTING"
  3. Choose the number or numbers for which you wish to order the Dial-In Plan Switcher service
  4. Follow the on screen instructions

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